Many homeowners neglect to notice issues with their roof until its too late – leading to preventable and costly repair bills. Performing proper maintenance on your roof is the best method for keeping it in…
At Roofpro we strongly recommend making sure your roof is properly insulated before the real cold weather hits us here on Vancouver Island. Well-insulated roofs increase energy efficiency and save you money on heating costs.…
Winter is now well and truly here on Vancouver Island, and with it comes plenty of rain, wind and snow that can wreak havoc on old or improperly maintained roof. We highly recommend that you…
Commonly used on flat and low-slop roofs in both residential and commercial builds, torch-on roofing involves using a open flame propane torch to heat and adhere sheets of rolled out bitumen onto a roof. Once…
Performing proper maintenance on your roof is the best method for keeping it in good condition for years to come. With our four distinct seasons and wet fall & winter climate, maintaining a roof here…
Central Vancouver Island has gained a well-deserved reputation as a great place to live, work and play. With milder winters than almost all of Canada and sunlit summers, many people choose this corner of Vancouver…
Identifying the signs of a failing roof is important in order to avoid major leaks or failures at an unexpected time. Identifying these signs will also help you to create a plan of action for…
Having to deal with a leaky roof during rainy season can become a very serious issue. Water seeping into your home through loose or broken shingles can cause significant damage, and if left unaddressed for…
It’s now August, which means we’re only a couple months away from fall here on Vancouver Island. With wetter and windier weather on the horizon, there’s one question all homeowners on the West Coast should…