Metal roofing is durable, long-lasting and has excellent waterproofing capabilities, making it the ideal choice for homes on Vancouver Island.

Metal roofs are designed to last for years with minimal maintenance, while also providing optimum waterproofing qualities and fire protection. Metal roofing can have a higher upfront cost than other roofing solutions. However, many homeowners find that the money saved with the longer lifespan of the roof more than compensates for the higher initial cost.

A metal roof is designed for performance. When coupled with high-quality materials, metal roofs perform well over time through tough weather conditions. If properly maintained, metal roofing can last up to 50 years as opposed to the usual 5 to 15 year lifespan of asphalt shingles.

Metal roofing also reflects the heat of the suns rays more than other roofing materials, making metal roofing a good insulator that helps keep your home cool on hot days and warm in cold weather months. Metal roofing also helps reduce the amount of energy required to heat your home, which lowers your monthly utility bills and reduces environmental impacts for years to come as well.

Metal roofing is also fire-resistant, making it a important option to consider in British Columbia with warmer and drier summers leading to larger and more frequent forest fires across the province. Metal roofing materials won’t burn or melt in the case of a fire, making it a much safer choice than asphalt or cedar shingles.

Another advantage of metal roofing in our wet climate is that it is almost completely immune to moss growth. Moss is unable to grow on the smooth metallic surface of metal roofing material, saving homeowners time and money spent removing excessive moss growth each year.

Metal roofs also maintain their aesthetic appeal for longer than other roofing materials. Asphalt and cedar shingles are often quickly worn down, becoming visually unappealing after just a few years. Unlike these materials metal roofing keeps its appearance for much longer. Clearing rain gutters and performing the occasional pressure wash of your metal roof will keep it looking like new for years to come.

A metal roof can also raise the value of your home thanks to these advantages, making it an ideal choice for those who plan to sell their homes in the future.

Roofpro is your go-to Central Vancouver Island roofing company. Based in Nanaimo, Roofpro offers services to all communities from Duncan to Campbell River, as well as Port Alberni, Tofino and Ucluelet. We provide a wide variety of roofing services catered to your unique needs and specifications. Call us at 250-248-3400 or email us at today to find out more about how we can put a roof over your head!

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