Light is essential for a healthy and comfortable living space. It illuminates our homes and brings in the fresh air and a connection to the outdoors. When it comes to adding natural light to your home, two popular options are roof windows and skylights. While both serve the same purpose, they are different. So, if you’re considering either of these options for your home, it’s important to understand the differences.

This article will dive into the differences between roof windows and skylights.


The Differences Between Roof Windows And Skylights

Roof windows and skylights differ in terms of many factors. The subheadings below compare roof windows and skylights based on the biggest factors that differentiate them.

·       Design and appearance

Roof windows are typically large, rectangular, or square-shaped ones installed in the roof and can be opened for ventilation. They come in various sizes and styles and can be made of different materials, such as aluminum, wood, etc. Generally, roof windows offer a sleek, modern look and are often used in contemporary architecture.

On the other hand, skylights are typically dome-shaped or pyramid-shaped structures installed on the roof. They are usually made of glass or plastic and can come in various sizes and shapes.

As for skylights, they are designed to let in light from above and provide a more classic setting. They are often used in traditional architecture and can add a touch of elegance to any home. In terms of design options, roof windows offer more customization, including the ability to frame. Skylights, on the other hand, may have fewer customization options.

Ultimately, choosing roof windows and skylights will depend on personal preference. You will also need to consider the architectural style of your home and the aesthetic you desire for your home.


·       Installation process

Roof windows typically require a more extensive installation process than skylights. Since you need to integrate them into the roof structure, they may require cutting into the roof, adding structural support, and installing waterproof flashing to prevent leaks. All of these can increase the complexity of the installation and the cost.

Meanwhile, skylights are easier to install since they only require cutting a hole in the roof and installing a flashing to prevent leaks. However, installing a skylight may still require extra activities, depending on the type of skylight and roof structure.

Skylights are often less expensive to install than roof windows, requiring fewer materials and labor.

That being said, roof windows are more expensive to install. Installing roof windows can cost several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the installation’s size, type, and complexity.


·       Energy efficiency

Roof windows often come with multiple insulated glass panes and an airtight seal. This form factor helps to prevent heat loss in the winter and reduce heat gain in the summer. Some roof windows also come with energy-efficient coatings that can improve their energy performance.

Skylights, however, can be less energy efficient due to the single-pane construction and lack of an airtight seal. This can lead to heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer, resulting in higher energy bills.

There are, however, energy-efficient skylight options, such as skylights with multiple panes of glass, insulated frames, etc. These energy-efficient skylights can help to reduce heat loss and heat gain but may still not be as energy efficient as roof windows.

It’s important to consider the energy efficiency of roof windows and skylights. After all, the decision can significantly impact your home’s energy bills and overall comfort.


·       Functionality

Since you can open them, roof windows are often more functional for ventilation than skylights. They allow for better airflow and ventilation. You can also operate roof windows manually or electronically. Some roof models even offer the functionality of remote control operation.

Skylights, on the other hand, are typically fixed and do not open. Hence, their ventilation capabilities could be improved. However, some skylights are designed to let in light and heat, which can improve the natural ventilation in a space.

In terms of security, roof windows are typically more secure than skylights. They are often equipped with locking mechanisms and security features to prevent unauthorized entry.

Meanwhile, skylights can be more vulnerable to break-ins. They are mostly fixed and may have different security features than roof windows.

Ease of operation is another aspect where roof windows and skylights differ. Roof windows are often easier to operate than skylights, as they typically have a manual or electronic mechanism that allows for easy opening and closing.

While skylights may let in light and heat, they do not have a mechanism for opening or closing, and they can be more difficult to clean.


·       Cost

Roof windows and skylights both have initial and long-term ownership costs that need to be considered. In terms of initial cost, roof windows are often more expensive than skylights. This is due to the more complex installation process and the additional materials required for roof windows, such as structural support and flashing.

Thus, the cost of roof windows can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the installation’s size, type, and complexity.

Skylights, on the other hand, are typically less expensive than roof windows. The cost of skylights depends on the size and type of skylight.

Unlike the installation process for roof windows, the installation process for skylights is less complex. This is a factor that helps keep its installation costs down.

In terms of long-term cost, roof windows, and skylights can have ongoing maintenance and energy efficiency costs. However, roof windows can be more energy efficient than skylights, which can help to reduce energy bills over time.

On the other hand, skylights can be more prone to leaks and require frequent maintenance to keep them functioning properly.


If you’re looking for expert guidance and top-notch installation services for roof windows or skylights, look no further than Roofpro. Our experienced professionals have the knowledge and skills to help you choose the best option for your home.


Contact us today to schedule your consultation, or reach out to us by calling us on 250-248-3400

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