Cedar roofs are a stunning feature of countless West Coast homes. Cedar shingles are durable and can last for many years. In fact, one of the cost-effective benefits of cedar roofing is when it comes to repairs—missing shingles can easily be replaced with new ones. Undoubtedly, this is more affordable than replacing an entire roof system.

However, some homeowners don’t know the signs that indicate cedar shingles need replacing. This is important because changing damaged cedar shingles immediately ensures the roof system will last a long time.

If any shingle on your cedar roof displays one or more of these 5 signs of wear and tear, it’s time to swap them out with a new shingle.

Curling or Cupping: Although part of cedar wood’s weathering and aging process, a shingle that curls upward is not a good thing. A distorted shingle may not only be caused by UV rays, heat, and rain. Substantial cupping and curling right after installation may indicate improper installation. But over time, shingles may become distorted by expansion and contraction from the elements. Either way, a cedar roof should be installed and repaired by a reputable roofing company or a handyperson that knows how to do the job right.

Cracking: Cedar wood also wears over time due to moisture. Wood expands and contracts over time so drying and cracking is inevitable. Nevertheless, when hairline cracks become bigger, shingles should be replaced to avoid further damage.

Fraying: The disadvantage to living in a coastal environment may well be extreme rainfall. Edge rot is common on West Coast homes that receive a great deal of shade and never dry out completely after a rainfall. If shingles are left untreated, the result is decay due to moss, algae, and other micro-organisms. When fraying is noticeable on the shingle, replacement is recommended.

Splitting: A split with rounded edges and a dull orange or grey interior colour may occur as a result of natural weathering. However, a split shingle with sharp edges and a light orange interior colour may indicate hail damage. Split shingles should be replaced and may be covered by a good home insurance policy.

Loose or Missing Shingles: This may seem obvious, but some homeowners don’t recognize that this type of problem frequently results in leaks. Therefore, loose or missing shingles should be replaced as soon as possible. This will help avoid further damage to the rest of the home. If leaks are noticeable inside a home, it may indicate shingles are loose or missing on the roof.

In addition to the stunning natural beauty of cedar shingles, they remain a popular roofing material with homeowners and builders because they can last as long as 50 years when properly maintained. Weather definitely plays a role in how long a cedar roof will last. However, so does proper care, like replacing damaged shingles in a timely fashion.

Knowing when to replace or repair cedar shingles will help the roof endure and look sensational over many decades. Make sure you have your cedar shingles installed by roofing experts with experience installing roofs in our often wet and damp West Coast climate like Todd Bullock and his team at Roof Pro. Call us today to find out how we can help get your next project at 250-248-3400.

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