Bam! A loud crash jolts you awake in the middle of the night. As you stumble out of bed and head to the window, you notice a large tree limb lying across your roof.

Your heart sinks as you realize the damage that has been done. What should you do now? If you find yourself in this kind of scenario, don’t panic.

While it can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, there are practical steps you can take to address the situation. In this article, we’ll walk you through what to do if a tree falls on your roof and how to handle the aftermath.


What To Do When A Tree Falls On Your Roof

If a tree falls on your roof, it’s important to act quickly to minimize the damage and ensure everyone’s safety. Here are the steps you should take:


1.     Assess the situation

First, ensure that everyone in the house is safe and accounted for. Check everyone for signs of injury. If there are any injuries, call emergency services immediately.

Once everyone is safe, assess the damage to your property. Check for any structural damage to the roof, walls, or foundation, and look for any electrical wires that may have been compromised.


2.     Call your insurance company

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the damage. They will guide you through the claims process and provide information on what is covered under your policy. If you need clarification on something, ask questions and take notes.

Note that they may ask you to fill out some paperwork.


3.     Document the damage

Ensure to take photos and videos of the damage the roof caused to your property. Document every detail, including the fallen tree, any damage to the roof, and any other damage to your property. This will be helpful for your insurance company when they start assessing your claim.

If documenting the damage feels too much work, you can get a professional to do that for you.


4.     Remove the tree

If the tree is small and light enough, you can remove it yourself. However, if the tree is large, you should hire a professional company to help you take it off your roof.

A professional roofing company will have the tools and expertise to safely remove the tree without causing further damage to your property.


5.     Tarp the roof

If the tree has caused much damage to your roof, you should cover it with a tarp to prevent further water damage. You can purchase a tarp from a hardware store or use a temporary fix until a professional can make the necessary repairs.


6.     Schedule repairs

Schedule repairs with a licensed and insured roofing contractor to fix the damages on your property. They will be able to assess the damage, provide you with an estimate, and make the necessary repairs.


7.     Follow up with your insurance company

Stay in touch with your insurance company to ensure that they are processing your claim. Make sure to receive the compensation you’re entitled to.


What Can Cause A Tree To Fall On Your Roof?

There are several reasons why a tree may fall on your roof. Here are some of the most common causes:

·       Extreme weather

Severe weather conditions can weaken a tree’s roots or branches, such as heavy rain, strong winds, or snow accumulation. As a result, the trees tend to become more susceptible to falling.

In some cases, the ground may become saturated with water. This will cause the tree’s root system to become unstable and ultimately cause it to topple over.

·       Disease or infestation

Trees that are diseased or infested with insects may weaken over time, making them more prone to falling. Common diseases affecting trees include Dutch elm disease, oak wilt, and pine wilt.

Insects such as emerald ash borer or gypsy moths can also cause significant damage to trees, making them more vulnerable to falling on your roof.

·       Structural defects

Trees that are structurally unsound due to natural growth patterns, improper pruning, or damage sustained during a previous storm can pose a significant risk of falling. Signs of structural defects include cracks or splits in the trunk, limbs, or branches and cavities or decay in the tree.


·       Improper planting

Trees located too close to a home or structure can cause damage if they fall. When a tree is planted too close, its root system can become intertwined with the foundation of the house, leading to structural damage over time.


·       Human activity

Sometimes, human activity can cause a tree to fall. For example, if a vehicle hits a tree, it can cause significant damage to the tree’s trunk, making it more likely to fall in the future.

Construction activities, such as digging near the tree’s base, can also destabilize a tree and cause it to fall.



If a tree falls on your roof, it’s important to act quickly to minimize the damage and ensure everyone’s safety. If you need professional help repairing your roof after a tree has fallen on it, consider hiring RoofPro.

With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can trust us to handle any roofing emergency with professionalism and care. Don’t wait until it’s too late; contact us today!

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