Cleaning gutters can be a tedious and often dangerous, but it’s an important one you can’t ignore. Clogged gutters can lead to water damage, foundation issues, and even pest infestations.

Fortunately, there are tips and tricks you can use to make gutter cleaning easier and safer. In this article, we’ll share some of the best ways to keep your gutters clean and your home protected.


Why Clean Gutters are Important

Regular upkeep of your gutters is essential for the protection of your property. Gutters are essential structures that help to collect and guide rainwater away from the roof. 

Through this process, gutters help prevent potential structural damages that water residue can cause to your roof. Therefore, clogged or damaged gutters can have a resultant effect on the integrity of your roofing structure.

To help you understand better, below are some reasons why cleaning your gutter is important.


  • Preventing water damage

When your gutters get blocked with leaves and other forms of debris, they won’t be able to collect water and direct them away adequately. In such cases, water builds up in the gutter and eventually on the roof’s fascia board.

As the gutters retain water, they will begin to sag and collapse later. The fascia boards will also begin to weaken. All of these will eventually lead to structural damage.


  • To keep pests away

When your gutters become clogged with excessive organic debris like leaves and twigs, they become hospitable to pests and insects. When you have a heavy infestation of pests like carpenter ants and termites, they may begin to feast on the wooden areas of your gutters.

Eventually, the effect of their feasting can cause some significant structural problems in your home. 


  • Proper rain flow

Keeping clean gutters helps to ensure the proper flow of water. When you don’t have a proper flow of water in your drainage, water will constantly overflow to the sides of your gutter guards.


Eventually, not only your gutter will begin to leak water. Since there’s no proper water flow, your roof, too, may begin to leak water.

Having clean gutters can help you maintain proper rainwater flow. Your roofing system and its other structures will stay in good condition. 


When to Clean Your Gutters

You should try to clean your gutters at least twice a year. Ideally, these two times should be in early spring and early fall.

When you clean out your gutters in early spring, it helps to free their passageway for the heavy rains that fall during this season. Meanwhile, cleaning out your gutters in early fall helps to remove the leaves and other debris that may have fallen into the gutters during the summer.

Moreover, the leaves left in this period would have become very dry. Thus, they are easy to remove. 

In some other cases, the frequency you should clean your gutters may depend on where your house is situated. If your house is surrounded by many tall trees, you should clean your gutters regularly.


How to Clean Your Gutters

There are several ways through which you can clean your gutters. In this section, we highlight procedures you can follow to clean your gutters thoroughly.

  • Get a sturdy ladder

The moment you decide to clean your gutters, the next thing you should consider is getting a sturdy ladder. With a sturdy ladder and partner to help you hold it down, you will have a great start to your cleaning process.

  • Gather the appropriate tools

Depending on the type of tools you can lay your hands on, you may be able to reduce the amount of work you will have to do. Some tools you can use to clean your gutters include power washers, gloves, a hose, a scoop, a wet or dry vacuum, or a leaf blower.

Regardless of the tools you can get, the most important thing is how you utilize them. Ensure to learn how to properly use each tool before you attempt to use them.


  • Scoop out dirt properly

If there’s a large pile of leaves and twigs in your gutter, you should get a gutter scoop to deal with it. Better still, you may want to get a garden to deal with.

Either way, you should run water through the gutter to remove any debris you couldn’t scoop off. 


Gutter Maintenance Tips

  1. Ensure to clean your gutters at least twice a year.
  2. Try to schedule a routine maintenance check on your roof. Check for rust, leaks, and possible holes.
  3. Always inspect your downspout from time to time. Check for rust and leaks.
  4. Try to keep pests and insects away from your gutters as much as possible.



Keeping gutters clean is more than just a one-time job. It requires constant upkeep, and failure to do so can lead to short-term solutions that ultimately cost you more in the long run. Be sure to check those gutters twice a year for any dirt and debris, and take pride in being able to keep your home maintained safely and securely. 


Roofpro is here to make sure your roofing systems are always running as smoothly as possible. From installation of new roofs to simple maintenance tasks such as cleaning out accumulated debris. Contact us at 250-248-3400 today for all your roofing needs.

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