Have you ever sighted some disgusting brown or green patches developing on your roof and then wondered what they could be? If so, you are not the only one. These brown or green patches are mostly known as rooftop algae and moss. While they may initially appear harmless, algae and moss are frequently to blame for rooftop discoloration; over time, they can cause harm to your roof. 

Don’t worry; there are several ways to deal with rooftop moss and algae. In this article, we’ll review efficient ways to eliminate and stop these annoying bacteria from returning. 


Causes of Rooftop Algae and Moss

Here are some factors that can cause the growth of algae and moss on your roof.

  • Environmental factors

Environmental factors are one of the biggest factors that promote the growth of algae and moss on roofs. These factors could be high relative humidity, shade, or moisture buildup. For instance, you will notice that algae and moss mostly grow on rooftops in places with high humidity, such as coastal areas. 


Aside from that, the shade created by nearby trees can also promote the growth of algae and moss. This is because shade reduces the amount of sunlight that gets on a roof. As a result, the evaporation of water on the roof will slow down rapidly. This, in turn, will create a moist environment where algae and moss can conveniently grow. 


Additionally, when you stay in an area with poor drainage, you will experience moisture accumulation. Once moisture begins to accumulate on your roof, water will begin to accumulate. Unfortunately, the pool of water can serve as a breeding ground for moss and algae. 


  • Roof material and age

Another factor that can influence the growth of algae and moss is the kind of roof material your roof is built with and the of your roof. Generally, algae and moss can easily grow on some materials more than materials like asphalt shingles. 


In addition, some older roofs may be more prone to host the growth of these organisms. The major reason is that most old roofs tend to have cracks and crevices due to wear and tear. These cracks and crevices, however, are ideal for accommodating the growth of algae and moss.


  • Other factors

Some extra factors also cause the growth of algae and moss. These factors include poor ventilation, poor roof maintenance, and poor roof design. 

If you have poor ventilation on your roof, you can cause a build-up of humidity on your roof. Consequently, the humid environment can easily support the growth of algae and moss.

In addition, failing to carry out basic roof maintenance activities, such as removing debris, can create moisture that helps promote algae and moss growth. 

Furthermore, if you have a poorly designed roof, there may be areas where moisture conveniently builds up. This can create the ideal conditions for the growth of moss and algae.


Preventative Measures

The best way to address the issues of algae and moss on your rooftop is to prevent them in the first place. Below are some preventative measures you can follow:

  • Regular roof cleaning and maintenance

You should consider constantly maintaining and cleaning your roof if you don’t want algae and moss to grow. Remove debris, leaves, and other materials that can retain moisture and encourage the growth of the organisms. 

The best way to approach this is by scheduling roof cleaning and maintenance with a professional roof contractor. Get a professional to clean your roof at least once a year. 


  • Installation of zinc or copper strips

You can also consider installing zinc or copper strips on your roof. These strips can help prevent moss and algae growth on your roof. They do that by releasing toxic metal ions harmful to algae and moss. Thus, these organisms find it hard to inhabit the roof’s surface. 

You can position the zinc or copper strips close to the ridge of your roof or all the way across your roof. Once you install them, they can last for up to 20 years.


  • Other preventative methods

You can take other measures to prevent algae and moss from growing on your roof. Some preventive methods include pruning the overhanging trees around your roof to lessen the shade they provide to the roof’s surface.

Another one is to enhance ventilation to prevent how much moisture from building up on your roof. You can also choose roofing materials that are less likely to encourage the growth of algae and moss.


Effective Removal Methods

  • Soft washing

You can clean out roof algae and moss by using soft washing. Soft washing is a low-pressure technique where you use a cleaning solution to loosen the thickness of the algae and moss.

Once the cleaning solution soaks up the algae and moss, you can easily rinse them.

  • Pressure washing

Unlike soft washing, pressure washing uses more pressure. Due to how tricky it can be, you should get the help of a professional when you want to use this technique. 

  • Chemical treatments

You can also get rid of algae and moss by using chemicals. All you need to do is to apply a specific solution created for killing algae, moss, and other organisms that inhabit roofs.

After applying the solution, you will be able to clean out the algae and moss by simply rinsing your roof or wiping it with a soft brush. 

  • Manual removal

Manually removing the algae and moss is also an option. However, this method can be time-consuming because you must use a soft brush to brush away the algae and moss gently.



It is important for you to quickly address algae and moss before they start causing damage to your rooftop. Hence, if you notice the infestation of these organisms on your rooftop, the best course of action will be to get the help of a professional like Roofpro.


At Roofpro, our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing the best service possible regarding roof maintenance. We offer a full range of services, including preventive measures for rooftop algae or moss and repair or replacement after damages have occurred. So don’t hesitate – to contact us today for all your roofing needs!

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