Ice dams can be a major problem for homeowners during the winter months. Not only do they damage roofs and gutters, but they can also lead to leaks and water damage inside your home.

This comprehensive guide will look at everything you need to know about removing ice dams, including the causes, prevention methods, and different techniques for removing them safely and effectively.

So, if you’re a homeowner dealing with a current ice dam issue or simply looking to prevent future problems, this guide has covered you. Let’s get started and learn how to tackle those pesky ice dams once and for all.


What are Ice Dams?

Ice dams are like big ice chunks that form on the edge of your roof during the winter. They happen when the snow on your roof melts a little bit and then freezes again, creating a big block of ice.

It’s like leaving a cup of water outside on a cold day and turning it into ice. However, it occurs on your roof instead of in a cup.

Ice dams can be dangerous because they can cause leaks in your roof and damage to your house. They can also make it hard for the snow and water to flow off your roof. As a result, your roof may become heavier, leading to structural problems.


What Causes Ice Dams?

Ice dams form when snow on your roof melts briefly before freezing again. This happens because the part of your roof near your attic can get too warm.  Hence, the heat from your attic melts the snow on the roof, but the melted snow can’t flow off the roof because it’s frozen at the edges. As a result, it just sits there and forms an ice dam.

It’s like when you have a snowball and keep rolling it around in the snow. It gets bigger and bigger. That’s what happens when ice forms on your roof. It’s like a snowball that keeps getting bigger and bigger until it becomes a big block of ice.


Ways To Remove Ice Dams

It is important to make arrangements to quickly eliminate ice dams when you notice their presence on your roof. Below is a comprehensive guide to the different ways you can remove ice dams from your roof.

1.     Rake method

One of the most popular and effective ways to remove ice dams is using a roof rake. A roof rake is a tool that has a long handle and a flat blade at the end.

You can use it to gently scrape the ice off the roof while not damaging the shingles. This method is best for removing small to medium-sized ice dams.

However, we advise using roof rakes cautiously, especially if you have a metal roof. The reason for this is that roof rakes can easily scrape metal roofs.


2.     Heat cable

Another option is to install heat cables on your roof. These cables use electricity to create heat that melts the ice. You can install them along the edge of your roof where the ice dams tend to form. This method is best for preventing ice dams from forming in the first place, but it can also help to melt existing ice dams.


3.     Salt and calcium chloride

You can also use salt or calcium chloride to melt ice dams. One way is to spread the substance on the ice or put it in a mesh bag and place it on top of the dam. These chemicals will help to melt the ice, but you should be careful not to damage your roof or plants below.


4.     Hot water

You can also use hot water to melt the ice. If you intend to use this method, you can use a hose to pour the hot water over the ice dam. This method is best for small to medium-sized ice dams and requires much caution, as using hot water on the roof may cause damage to the shingles.


5.     Professional removal

Hiring a professional ice dam removal service is the best option for large or hard-to-remove ice dams. Besides, it is possible that you may feel uncomfortable or unsafe about doing the removal yourself.

So, calling a professional like Roofpro can be your best bet if you find yourself in this spot. They have the right equipment and knowledge to remove the ice dams without causing damage to your roof or your home.


Tips For Preventing Ice Dams

Now that you know how to remove ice dams from your roof, you should also take note of some tips for preventing ice dams from forming on them. Take a look at some of them below.


·       Insulate your attic

One of the most effective ways to prevent ice dams from forming is to insulate your attic properly. This will help to keep the heat from your home from rising into the attic and melting the snow on your roof.

Keeping the attic cold can prevent the snow from melting and refreezing, which causes ice dams to form.


·       Seal air leaks

Another important step in preventing ice dams is to seal any air leaks in your attic. This will help to prevent warm air from escaping from your home and entering the attic. Some common areas where air leaks occur include light fixtures, electrical outlets, and vents. You can seal these areas with caulking or weather stripping.


·       Keep your roof clean

Removing leaves, branches, and other debris from your roof can help to prevent ice dams from forming. After all, these materials can trap water and snow on your roof, contributing to the formation of ice dams.


·       Heat cables

Installing heat cables on your roof is another preventative measure. These cables use electricity to create heat that melts the snow and ice, which can prevent ice dams from forming.



It’s important to remember that safety is the number one priority when removing ice dams. You should only attempt to remove ice dams if you are comfortable with heights or if the ice is too thick.

This is why we recommend getting the help of our professionals at Roofpro. You can call us at 250-248-3400 or fill out our contact form to contact us.

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