Your home is your castle, but even the strongest castle needs a sturdy roof to weather the elements. From harsh sun rays to pounding rain, your roof bears the brunt of nature’s forces day in and day out. So when it’s time for a roof replacement, it’s important to get it right. But where do you start? It can be overwhelming with so many materials, contractors, and options. 


That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the 10 biggest dos and don’ts of roof replacement in your home. By the time you’re done with this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence you need to make the right choices for your home. 


The Biggest Dos of Roof Replacement

  • Do prepare your home

When you want to carry out a project that’s as huge as replacing your roof, you’ll need to prepare your home. This is because you’ll be having an entire installation crew working on your roof. While these people work on your roof, their activities will raise a lot of noise and disturbance. Hence, it is important to prepare your home in advance to avoid any form of discomfort or accidents that may likely occur.


Some of the things you need to do in preparation are to remove the valuable items you have hanging on your wall or sitting on your shelves. Remove every item that is likely to break from falling off because there will probably be a lot of vibrations going on.


Additionally, you should secure your furniture so they don’t get affected in any way. Lastly, you can inform your neighbors about the upcoming project in your home so they know to be prepared for the noise and possible disturbance that may come with it.


  • Do consider different material options

You may think that you simply need to replace your existing roof with another one of the same type of material. However, this does not necessarily have to be the case.


We suggest that you take a bit of time to think about your options before you proceed to decide on the material you want to use. Seek the opinions of your contractor and let them advise you on the best material options you can choose to install.


After all, they can provide you with insights based on their experience and expertise.


  • DO consider adding an extra layer of shingles

Another thing you may want to consider is adding an extra layer of shingles. It can be a good way to save money from completely replacing your roof. So if your roof is relatively still in good condition and there are only a few places with heavily sustained damages, adding a few layers of shingles may be a viable option.


That being said, you must note that adding an extra layer of shingles may not necessarily be the right approach for your roof. Get a roofing professional to assess the condition of your roof.


They can help you with an expert recommendation on whether adding an extra shingle layer will be the right approach for your roof.


  • DO pay attention to wind and fire ratings

You must pay attention to the roofing material’s wind and fire ratings. The wind and fire ratings of your new roofing material can impact your insurance coverage and premiums.


The higher the rating of your roofing material, the better your chances of getting good insurance premiums. So, if you stay in an area with a high risk of fire outbreaks or wind turbulence, choosing a material with a high rating is recommended.


If you don’t know how to choose, consult a roofing constructor. They will be able to help you pick out the best material for your geographical location.


  • DO request a detailed estimate

You need to get a detailed estimate for your roof replacement project. You will have all the information you need when you have a detailed estimate.


Information like the exact amount you will need to pay, the materials you will need for the project, the time it will take, and the labor involved. Hence, you should ask your roofing contractor for a detailed estimate.


Having it will help prevent any form of misunderstanding along the line. It will ensure that you are on the same page with your roofing contractors.


  • DO pay attention to the weather

It is necessary for you to factor in any weather-related issue that may delay the pace of the project. If you live in an area prone to heavy rain, snow, or storms, we advise that you carry out your replacement project during the summer. 


This will help you avoid major weather-related delays.


  • DO choose an aesthetically appealing look

Don’t forget that an aesthetically pleasing roof can significantly add value to your home. Generally, potential buyers will likely be more attracted to a house with a structurally sound and beautiful roof.


This translates to more value for the house and a higher selling price.


The Biggest Don’ts of Roof Replacement

  • DON’T forget to check your roofer’s credentials

You shouldn’t overlook the process of checking your roofer’s credentials. Ensure that whoever your roofing contractors are, they are licensed, insured, and have a good reputation in the industry.  


One way to do this is by researching the contractor, reading reviews, and asking for references. 


  • DON’T be a victim of storm chasers’ scams

When you hire unprofessional contractors, often called “storm chasers,” they are likely to use subpar materials and cut corners to save money. Eventually, this can lead to problems later on after the installation.


Hence, hire a reputable roofing contractor with a proven track record and who can provide references and proof of insurance.


  • DON’T take shortcuts

You should avoid taking any form of shortcuts during the installation process. Avoiding making decisions like opting for lower roofing material quality. It never ends well.


Cutting corners will eventually lead to more costs in the future. Hence, you should invest in quality materials and professionals who can install them properly.



At Roofpro, we have the experience and expertise to help you make the best decisions for your home’s roof replacement needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve the perfect roof for your home.

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